Friday, February 13, 2009

Wha' Happened?

YAY!!!! First life post!

As excited as I am about blogging, I must say that my mood is very morose. Here's why:

The day before New Year's Eve on a Tuesday, I met a guy at a party. Our meeting was quite peculiar because instead of the normal, hi, how you doing; He snatched a flyer I was fanning myself with out of my hand! (I was dancing A LOT and sweating). Anyway, I did not think much of it and proceeded with my pelvic thrusts. Later, he's comes over to me again, and starts dancing with me and (gasp) saying to me, "Is that all you got" on the dance floor. He's an excellent dancer and so am I so I accepted his challenge and got into it more. I was having so much fun with him and then we stopped dancing. Again, later, he appears and then starts dancing with me and giving me a massage on the dance floor and whispers in my ear, Michael Jackson versus Prince? The music suddenly stops (In my head, that is) and I look at him and say Michael Jackson. (*Sidebar* Anyone that knows me, knows that Michael Jackson is my all-time favorite artist and that I frequent the MJ v. Prince parties in New York where I dance from 11PM until 4AM non stop. SO, for this man to ask me this question made me have to jerk my undies a bit that he even uttered Michael Jackson.) Having said that, I was definitely into him from that moment and was very eager to give him my digits after that. So he took my number and ended up leaving the place right after. I thought to myself, I hope he calls me. He texts me minutes later "It was nice meeting you". I was SO giddy and got all tingly.

We ended up meeting that same week on Friday where he took me to a BYOBottle of Wine restaurant for a delicious dinner. Admittingly, when I saw him in person, I wasn't as excited about him as when we met. He didn't look like how I envisioned him. (It was very dark where I met him) However, we went on to have a WONDERFUL date. By the end of the night, I was excited all over again because he turned into a mix of charm, attractiveness, intellect, success, and sexiness. Did I tell him all of this...NO!

As a matter of fact, I didn't even send him a nice date text or follow-up with him until two weeks later. (He went to Jamaica for a week after I met him). When I sent him a how are you text, I was slightly reprimanded for just contacting him then...Oops. I apologized and we scheduled time to see each other again. The next time we saw each other, we saw a movie and I showed up late. I can be SUCH a dope (I have an issue with lateness thatI am working on!!!!) Having said that, I'd consider it a lackluster date. It was lackluster b/c I didn't seem into it and I knew he could tell. He brings up that I am hard to read, something that I am use to hearing. So I explain to him that I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, but know that I like him b/c I am there. At this point, I really liked him, but was holding back b/c of past experiences I will get into at a later time. We proceeded with our date and it ended up being fantastic later. We ended with a kiss and I was still not sure about him after that. My previous issues tend to creep up on my and hold me back.
We did see each other two more times after that,with each time being more and more intense. He even cooked me dinner at his place and it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! We would talk almost every night, in which, he would tell me how much he liked me and compliment me left and right. When I spoke to him last week Tuesday ( the Tuesday before the Tuesday that just passed) we were having one of our nightly conversations in which he expresses how much he misses me and we then make plans for the following Sunday....I never heard from him again. :-(


I spoke with a few people, and they told me the same hackneyed phrase "He's just not that into". But, I refuse to accept that. How could we go from talking about how much we like each other to....Nothing? So for the last 10 days, I've been coming up with scenarios in my head like, Did he Die? Was he toying with my emotions? Is he busy? Is he blowing me off? At this point, I just want to make sure that he is OK and the answer to my first, second, and fourth question is a big fat Hell NO!!!

I lacked a lot of affection in our courtship and can see how he might have said the hell with it and decided to leave me alone. But....why not just say, Tootsie, you're great, but NOT for me or FUCK OFF!! Why leave me with a big ?

Welcome from Tootsie..

So I've been meaning to start blogging for a while and there is no time like the present!

First things first: WELCOME to my blog!!!

Let me introduce myself. I am going to refer to myself as Tootsie. For those of you, who are 25 and older, be prepared to become nostalgic. For those who are under 25, YouTube it!!!!

Ok, remember the commercial where the young boy talks to the owl about Tootsie Pops? And he asks the owl, "How many licks does it take to get to the center?" The owl then says, one, two, three, then bites hard! After that bite, a soft chewy center is revealed.
Well...this best describes me.

When someone first meets me, he or she, is unable to read me b/c I am not as opened as say the next person with my emotions. However, once you get to know me (after a few licks..hehehe) a soft center is revealed. In other words, I become putty in your hands. :-)

This blog will take you into my life with respect to the difficulties in dating mainly and other trials and tribulations that may arise in this wonderous and joyous thing we call Life.

So, please join me for a journey that I am sure will be interesting.