Monday, March 16, 2009

Back to our regularly scheduled....

Hello All--

I've been busy with grad school and career stuff so have not had the opportunity to reach out in the last month, but I'm back!!!!!

Here are some updates:
The guy from the previous post ended up calling....(3 weeks later!!!!!). I politely did not answer the first 5 times he called me, then decided to give him a shot the 6th time. WHY!?!?!?!? Only for him to give me an excuse such as he went out of the country!!! WTF!!?!?!?

You mean to tell me that you did not have the decency to contact me prior to going out of the country to let me know what's going on? This makes no sense in this day and age. A phone call, text, email, hell, even a telegram would have done the trick. I say to him...NEXT!!!!!!

Please delete my number, name, contact info out of your life.

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